In a partnership with Front Row Live, DEPARTURE had their first ever live stream concert broadcast to Facebook on 5/17/2020, and the response was overwhelming to say the least!! The night was a complete success and fans all over the Internet both Nationally and Internationally were treated to their first concert interaction with the band in well over two months. Unimaginably, and within 24 hours of the initial broadcast, viewership had reached 26K!!
Needless to say, it was exactly what the doctor ordered as the band had been chomping at the bit to get back on the stage and collectively play together. Equally as much, the fans had been patiently waiting for their chance to see a live concert from the band!! The band released a small statement upon realizing they had reached such a humbling milestone with Front Row Live to extend theirr gratitude and thanks to everyone who made it a memory for the ages!!
“Simply Amazing!! WOW comes to mind as well!! We just can’t find the words to eloquently describe how humbled we are by your support!! We’re simply blown away!! The reality is, there is no US without YOU!! We may call you friends or fans, but to us you’re our Departure Family!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Also, thanks again to the entire team at Front Row Live for setting this all up!! Looking forward to seein’ you all again soon!!”
In case you missed it, the Live Stream Broadcast is still up on the Departure Page for everyone to still enjoy!!
>>Watch the Live Stream Here!!<<